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The Scents of Traveling

The Scents of Traveling

The Scents of Traveling

The Scents of Traveling

As you make your final preparations for the holidays, we're here to remind you not to forget to take your favorite fragrances with you. After all, our 'travel sizes' are called so for a reason.  An...

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The story of the Blue Bottle

The story of the Blue Bottle

In the beginning was blue. It's the cornerstone of an olfactory edifice launched with the first This is not a Blue Bottle. While its name left many pensive, the color is all but an accident, chosen...

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A Midsummer Daydream

A Midsummer Daydream

Ah, here comes the middle of summer... like a neverending midsummer daydream. Whatever you're doing, there is always a reason to rejoice in the heat with Histoires de Parfums. READ MORE

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