Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day began in England around the XIV century and celebrates the day of the lovers. First only popular in the Anglo-Saxon world, the holiday slowly made its way throughout Europe, and eventually spread worldwide. One of its founding concepts dates back to England's Middle Ages, with the idea that February 14th is the day that birds chose a partner with whom to build their nest with.
But why chose Saint Valentine to represent lovers? On this day, three Valentine's are canonized by the roman church. However, in regard to Valentine's Day, we shift our attention to Valentine of Terni who lived amidst the Roman Empire during the third century.
During this era, Christianity was not yet fully accepted, and was still considered a sect by the Roman authorities, especially by Claudius Gothicus who was no one other than the emperor himself. Like many of his predecessors and successors, Claudius aimed to expand his kingdom and territory, which demanded an increase in his legionary. However, during the second century, one married Christian man refused to join the legion. This is when Valentine of Terni began celebrating the marriages at hand.
Claudius watched his legion diminish as Valentine poured out sacraments. Red with fury, the emperor ordered that the priest be arrested.
While imprisoned, Valentine conducts a miracle on a young blind girl, giving her the ability to see. Even less tolerant of this miracle than of the celebration of marriage, Claudius orders the execution of Valentine of Terni on February 14. Considered a martyr of the church, Valentine de Terni thus becomes Saint Valentine, and in 1496 is appointed by Alexander VI as "patron of the lovers".