Celebrating #NationalAuthorsDay on November 1
Every November 1, we celebrate #NationalAuthorsDay.
In 1928, Nellie Verne Burt McPherson, president of the Bement, Illinois Women’s Club, developed the idea to celebrate American authors. As a reader and a teacher, during hospital during World War I, she wrote a fan letter to fiction writer, Irving Bacheller, praising his story Eben Holden’s Last Day A’ Fishin.
On receiving her letter, Bacheller sent her an autographed copy of another story. McPherson was so overwhelmed with emotion that she showed her appreciation by submitting an idea for a National Author’s Day to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. In 1929, the day was endorsed. The United States Department of Commerce began to recognize this day since 1949.
Books have a mind of their own. They take years to develop, research, draft, edit, and revise. The stories we indulge in as we teleport ourselves, drift off to sleep, or soak in the sun by a poolside. As a basis for both our inspirations and our designs, bring home your library of favorite scents to celebrate the day.
George Sand
Jules Verne
Ernest Hemingway